Primary Learning Resources

Select on a resource to start your plant adventure!

Wild Words - The Poetry of Plants

Age: Primary 4-7 [8-12 years]

Primary Teacher Resources Literacy Creative Poetry

Inspired by the bestselling book ‘The Lost Words’ by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris, the Wild Words online area helps to connect with the natural world in a creative way through bringing words to life in the wild!

Teddy Bears' Trail

Age: Primary 1-3 [5-7 years] 

Primary Teacher Resources Senses Needs of Life

Edward Bear invites your pupils and their teddies on a magical sensory adventure, to learn about the wonders of nature and discover how living things obtain the necessities of life.

Life of Plants

Age: Primary 4-7 [8-12 years] 

Primary Teacher Resources Lifecycles of Plants Pollination

Introducing you to the work of the Botanic Garden and what it takes to be a plant scientist. Explore the parts of a flower and what they do. Investigate the lifecycles of plants and recognise the different stages of their development throughout the seasons.

Spring Adventure

Primary Families Teacher Resources Outdoor Adventure Creative

Spring activity🌼 Come on the Spring Adventure to explore the amazing signs of spring all around you and be inspired to create your own spring flower! Perfect for primary aged children, but great fun for all the family to enjoy together! If you're a teacher this is also a great open-ended resource to inspire creativity in your class, as well as encouraging your students to notice the natural world changing through the seasons. 

Autumn Adventure

Primary Families Teacher Resources Outdoor Adventure

Autumn activity 🍁 Come on the Autumn Adventure to experience autumn in a new way by discovering the amazing variety of seeds! Perfect for primary aged children, but great fun for all the family to enjoy together! Teacher resources are also provided to help run this adventure with your primary class. 

Marley's school of garden magic

Primary Families Teacher Resources Marley Adventures

Welcome to Marley's School of Garden Magic. The garden's black cat Marley lives at the Botanics in Edinburgh.  What's he getting up to there? Probably a lot of mischief, but we are going to join him to find out more about the weird and wonderful plants that he sees every day, along with some magical creatures too.

The undergrowth

Primary Families Teacher Resources Marley Adventures Soils

Go on an adventure in the undergrowth with Marley!

The weird and wonderful world of plants

Primary Families Teacher Resources Marley Adventures

Join Marley to find out more about the plants he discovers in the garden and in the glasshouses

The expedition storeroom

Primary Families Teacher Resources Marley Adventures

Expeditions for you to go on with Marley! Give them a try.