Dandelion petal syrup - very important information from Marley
Please read this Health and safety and information before watching this video or viewing/downloading the recipe file.
Identifying a dandelion
Ensure you know how to identify a dandelion by opening up the
Dandelion Learning Box if you haven't already looked inside. You can use the
Dandelion Expedition materials to find your dandelions (PDF document - opens in a new window/tab).
Get the help of a grown-up
Please ensure that you have supervision of a grown-up while collecting your dandelions and making the syrup. It is important to collect clean dandelions. The making of this syrup involves using a hot stove and results in very hot liquid. Please be very careful as bubbling syrups are very hot.
If you have any known allergies to dandelion please do not consume. If you are unsure about consuming dandelion, please check with your healthcare provider first.
Neither RBGE nor Marley may be held responsible for any injury or misadventure caused in the making or taking of this remedy.
Please always consult with a Qualified Medical Herbalist before using any botanicals as medicines.
Now enjoy!
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