Cours : The weird and wonderful world of plants | Propagate Learning

  • The Weird and Wonderful World of Plants

    Explore the weird and wonderful world of plants with Marley...

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  • Enter the world of a dandelion and find out how these tough little plants thrive in even the busiest city or wildest places. Click on the links in this section to find out more...

    • Marley LOVES dandelions. These cheery flowers are bright, golden and named after a big cat!

      You can find dandelions on almost any outdoor adventure. Some people think dandelions are weeds, but they do an important job for wildlife. Open the box and enter to find out more.

      This is designed to work on tablets and computers. Make sure you have the sound on!

    • Plain text version of Marley's Dandelion's in case you are unable to use the above interactive version for any reason.

    • Text description of above video

    • View this PDF on your computer or tablet - or print it out.

      Find out more about Dandelions by joining Marley to find out more about dandelions in the section above first then go on Expedition Dandelion!

    • Good for viewing on a mobile phone when outside if you cannot print out the sheet

    • This poster is the original poem from the book The Lost Words by Robert MacFarlane and Jackie Morris. Hosted by the John Muir Trust.

    • This is a song about dandelions from the book Spell Songs - the partner to The Lost Words.

    • This is a poem by Gerda Stevenson at the Scottish Poetry Library.

  • Expedition camouflage

    Visit the Expedition storeroom and go on Expedition camouflage to learn about creatures and plants that have cunning camouflage like these stone plants - can you see them?

  • The Titan Arum is a truly weird and wonderful giant plant that lives in the rainforest of Sumatra in Indonesia.

    This lesson is aimed at mid to upper primary age children who are interested in the rainforest.

    • The Titan Arum is a very strange plant. This jungle giant has one of the largest and weirdest flower heads of any plant.

      Let's find out more about its life...

      This activity takes about 30 minutes to complete and is designed for upper primary and older. Click on the box and enter to find out more.

      This is designed to work on tablets and computers. Make sure you have the sound on!

    • Plain text version of Titan Arum - a real giant in case you are unable to use the above interactive version for any reason.