Section: Feedback form | Help and support for online learning | Propagate Learning

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  • Help and support for online learning

    Everyone who studies on our courses has different levels of knowledge and skills when it comes to the digital world. Brushing up on your digital skills will help you to get the most from your course here on PropaGate Learning.

    Scroll down the page and you will see a list of digital skills/topics. You will also see a section on using PropaGate Learning, our online learning platform. 

    Please ensure your browser is up-to-date; always use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox or Safari. An out of date browser or browser settings are the most common reasons for users experiencing problems using the site.

Feedback form

  • Feedback form

    If you are happy to do so, please fill in this short form to let us know what sections you looked at. This lets us know which areas of IT our learners may struggle with and helps us improve this page.

    We hope these resources will be useful for you and will increase your confidence online. Please note that some of the resources listed here are external to RBGE and we do not control them. If you would like to revisit any of these resources in the future, just bookmark the webpage. If you would like instructions on how to do this, please look at the 'Bookmarking a webpage' section, which will show you how!