Terms of Use
The site policy for all users including guests
About the Terms of Use
PropaGate Learning, RBGE’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) uses Moodle and Mahara software to offer blended and distance courses to users. The purpose of the Terms of Use is to inform you of our obligations and to lay out appropriate use of these sites.
The term ‘PropaGate Learning’ refers to the sites at propagatelearning.rbge.ac.uk and myportfolio.rbge.ac.uk. Where the term ‘site administrators’ is used, this covers Learning Technologists, office staff, IT staff, managers, and also support staff at CoSector, University of London, our Hosting Company.
Each user (Staff, Student or Guest) is responsible for ensuring that their use of PropaGate Learning complies with this document.
By using PropaGate Learning you agree to be bound by the Terms of Use, which shall take effect immediately at your first log-in. If you do not agree to be bound by all the following Terms of Use you should cease using PropaGate Learning and notify the Education Department at education@rbge.org.uk.
RBGE may revise the Terms of Use by posting the latest version of this document on PropaGate Learning and informing users using the site news facility.
Our Obligations
RBGE will undertake all reasonable steps to provide you with a safe, secure and operational online learning environment. If at any time you feel your rights have not been upheld or you have any questions regarding the Terms of Use, please contact us immediately.
Outages and Upgrades
PropaGate Learning will occasionally be unavailable for short periods of time as we release new system features. We will endeavour to provide at least 3 working days’ notice of any scheduled maintenance via the site news. Major upgrades may result in the site being unavailable for a few days and we will ensure we give you timely advanced warning.
Objectionable material or inappropriate behaviour
You are encouraged to report objectionable material or inappropriate behaviour immediately. Please contact either your tutor or to the Learning Technology Manager (propagate@rbge.org.uk). We will ensure the matter is investigated in a timely manner.
Inappropriate behaviour includes intentionally attempting to load files with viruses, placing objectionable or excessive feedback, posts or comments in a message, on forums or on any other user's portfolio, misuse of the objectionable material reporting system and any other behaviour deemed to be a nuisance or offensive by an administrator.
Accessing your account
Administrators may access your account, profile, forum posts, assignment uploads or quiz responses, however, they will avoid doing so unless specifically required to support your use of PropaGate Learning or as per these terms and conditions. From time to time, a system administrator may need to login as a user in order to observe exactly what the user is seeing. This is used for troubleshooting purposes and as a last resort, when all other avenues have been exhausted and the user is still experiencing difficulties. The administrator can do this without needing any login information from the user, thus preserving the security of the user’s password.
Your Obligations
Intellectual Property Rights
All files and content you upload to PropaGate Learning are subject to copyright legislation. You are responsible for ensuring you have appropriate permission to reproduce and publish any work that is not your own.
All assessment work uploaded to PropaGate Learning should be your own. Copying others’ work, cheating, collusion, plagiarism and attempting to obtain unfair assessment advantages are forbidden.
Course materials are owned by RBGE unless otherwise stated. Any downloading or copying of course material must be for the sole use of completing the course of study or for reviewing materials as a tutor.
Netiquette (online etiquette)
You are prohibited from using any words or pictures which:
- are sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, pornographic, paedophilic or similarly discriminatory and/or offensive
- advocate or condone, directly or indirectly, criminal activity, or any other activity which may otherwise damage the RBGE’s standing in the UK or abroad
- are defamatory, libellous or threatening
- contain personal data (as defined by the GDPR) about third parties, unless their permission has been given explicitly
You should be polite and courteous to one another and always act in a professional manner.
Copies of your work
You should always keep original copies of work uploaded to PropaGate Learning. RBGE accepts no liability for lost or corrupted data that has been stored on PropaGate Learning.
Your User Account
Access to courses on PropaGate Learning is controlled by user permissions. You should log into PropaGate Learning using your own user account and never allow another user to access PropaGate Learning using your account.
All student accounts are set up with email addresses hidden from other students – you may change this setting to allow other students on your course or on the site to view your email address if you wish. This can be done within your profile settings.
On the rare occasion that you find yourself with access to any part of PropaGate Learning that you do not require or should not have the permission to view, you should inform the Learning Technology Manager (at propagate@rbge.org.uk) and not proceed any further.
Data protection and Security of Data
Logging of Activities
Activities on PropaGate Learning are fully logged. Records are kept of when you access the site, courses and resources along with a log of all online communication such as forum posts, assignment submissions, page views etc. These records are available to tutors for course/activity completion information, but may also be used as a point of reference for any matters arising, such as accounts of harassment, bullying or the transmitting of inappropriate material.
Students should be aware that in addition to the site administrators, course tutors are able to directly access their files.
Personal Information
Fellow students on the site and authorised persons, for example, tutors, administrators and external examiners will have access to your name, photograph and any discussion comments you make (discussions within courses can only be seen by other students in that course).
You should not post personal or sensitive information to forums, profile, messages or any other area within PropaGate Learning.
PropaGate Learning is hosted by The University of London. In order to provide access to your online course(s) provided by RBGE at https://propagatelearning.rbge.ac.uk and https://myportfolio.rbge.ac.uk, RBGE shares your information with the University of London. The University of London accesses your information in order to provide technical assistance for the Learning Technology team at RBGE and to store the sites securely for RBGE.
For more information please refer to the RBGE Privacy Notice and the RBGE Education Privacy Policy
Assessment Information and Grades
Only you and authorised persons (your tutors and site administrators) will have access to your assessment information.
External Content
Tutors may add links to useful websites on PropaGate Learning. RBGE cannot accept any responsibility for the content of external sites.
Please email propagate@rbge.org.uk if you have any queries regarding any of the content outlined in this document.